Finger Bang - This weekend in doping news

In case you haven't heard, Alberto got the shaft. The old 'clenbuterol in my Spanish steak' argument didn't hold for the Finger Banger and his results from 2010 on have been revoked. 

So now Andy Schleck will be elevated, 2 years later as Tour de France champion. Hooray!

The Friday prior, Lance Armstrong got the W from the feds on his case, mainly because Armstrong has some excellent lawyers. I don't care what anybody says. Does this look like the face of somebody who would take drugs?

Whatever these guys have done..or not's always a good reminder that Finger Bang is an excellent song and super catchy. 

Straight Outta Bike Friday

Several years ago, I did the 7AM Group Ride from Rock Creek Park. As many of you know, it's a spirited ride and getting dropped is often a possibility for even a strong rider. A guy, who is on travel, rolls up on a Bike Friday. He gets up all the hills with the front group and even mixed it up in the sprint finish. Impressive.

I hadn't thought about that fellow for awhile...until now. Some young whipper snappers took some travel bikes and got their BMX on...all for the sheer joy of getting stupid. I'm debating what's more impressive. I'm sure both parties had equal stoke. Happy Friday, bisshes!!