We're Having a Great Time

Why are there no chicks in this photo?

YGD Embrocation now on the Shelves

Hey friendos. We've been moving and shaking all summer long trying to get the mix of ingredients just right for the launch of our YGD Embrocation. We've been dabbling for years making small batches of homemade goodness for our own personal supply. We want to share that goodness with our readers this fall with our first batch which we simply call "YGD Mild." 

Our embrocation is made with local beeswax, shea butter, massage oils, and just a touch of heat. YGD Mild is perfect for any climate between 50 degree and raining to 70 degrees and sunny. We have a small batch ready for our readers at $11.00 with free shipping to anywhere in the lower 48.

Now back to the droppage.