Droppage as Art at Vint Hill

We call this one "The Green Monster"
Making new Friends

This guy was blown off the back like "TNT". Maybe he "Shook it All Night Long" the night before. We think he was on "The Razor's Edge" while on "The Highway to Hell". He sure didn't have a "Stiff Upper Lip". Oh lol @ us. So witty.
We refer to this MASTERPIECE simply as "Check Please"

Thanks to the fine work of http://needtobike.com/ photographers, we had ample photo droppage to choose from at Vint Hill. There are so many more that we didn't select. It was if they were working for us. Thanks, guys.

Bad Andy really was pretty bad on Sunday

Apparently there is a ride called Sunday World's in Lancaster, PA that runs every Sunday throughout the winter and spring. 30-35 dudes show up, some whom are in their 50s and 60s.

We didn't know that cyclocross season gave it's specialists that big of a fitness hangover that the group has to wait for you so you don't get lost.